Dynamically assign element id inside ngFor Dynamically assign element id inside ngFor angular angular

Dynamically assign element id inside ngFor

You can use {{ 'wave' + i }} instead of wave{{i}}. Make it as Angular Experession. This is the full ngFor:

<li *ngFor="let episode of episodes; let i = index">     <div id="{{ 'wave' + i }}"></div></li>

It works and creates the div with the correct id


Output will be like this:

<div id=​"wave1">​wave1​</div>

but remember your code will start from wave0 as i = index starts from 0.

What you have is correct and should work in angular 4/5. Are you maybe using a really old, pre-release angular 2 version?

Here is a stackblitz with your code and the code below, both working


You can also do it that way, which is the preferred way

<li *ngFor="let episode of episodes; let i = index">    <div [attr.id]="'wave' + i">{{episode.name}}</div></li>

You don't need to define i

<li *ngFor="let episode of episodes">    <div id="wave{{episode}}">{{episode}}</div></li>