Error in console: ng.probe is not a function Error in console: ng.probe is not a function angular angular

Error in console: ng.probe is not a function

If someone is looking for an alternative to:


In Ivy, then please try this:


Found it here,

Thought I'd add this here for completion.

Note about ng.getComponent: you must focus the component tag ( e.g. <app-my-component> ) in the developer tools elements so that it will be in $0. It doesn't search up the hierarchy for parent components ( like ng.probe does ).

Yes, augury assumes angular dev mode is active if exists, but ivy doesn't export probe right now

angular ivy exportsI have augury but after I disable the extension there is no error anymore.

If you're using Augury extension, disable or remove it. then, check the console. I've had the same issue and I removed the Augury.

Augury is having different set of debugging APIs, that's why that error occur.