Get length of array in ngFor after pipes transformation Get length of array in ngFor after pipes transformation angular angular

Get length of array in ngFor after pipes transformation

Another solution could be the following

<div *ngFor="let item of myArray | customPipe1 | customPipe2; let l = count">  Here is the length of my ngFor : {{l}}</div>

Plunker Example

See also

<div *ngFor="let item of myArray | customPipe1 | customPipe2 as result">  Here is the length of my ngFor : {{result.length}}</div>

See also

Well, this is not well documented in the Angular doc, you can find under source code of Angular at -

*ngFor accepts count params.

constructor(public $implicit: T, public ngForOf: NgIterable<T>, public index: number,public count: number) {}

So we can get the count like -

<div *ngFor="let item of items | pipe; let l = count"><div>{{count}}</div></div>