How to correctly set Http Request Header in Angular 2 How to correctly set Http Request Header in Angular 2 angular angular

How to correctly set Http Request Header in Angular 2

Your parameter for the request options in http.put() should actually be of type RequestOptions. Try something like this:

let headers = new Headers();headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');headers.append('authentication', `${student.token}`);let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });return this.http    .put(url, JSON.stringify(student), options)

Angular 4 >

You can either choose to set the headers manually, or make an HTTP interceptor that automatically sets header(s) every time a request is being made.


Setting a header:

http  .post('/api/items/add', body, {    headers: new HttpHeaders().set('Authorization', 'my-auth-token'),  })  .subscribe();

Setting headers:'api/items/add', body, {  headers: new HttpHeaders({    'Authorization': 'my-auth-token',    'x-header': 'x-value'  })}).subscribe()

Local variable (immutable instantiate again)

let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('header-name', 'header-value');headers = headers.set('header-name-2', 'header-value-2');this.http  .post('api/items/add', body, { headers: headers })  .subscribe()

The HttpHeaders class is immutable, so every set() returns a new instance and applies the changes.

From the Angular docs.

HTTP interceptor

A major feature of @angular/common/http is interception, the ability to declare interceptors which sit in between your application and the backend. When your application makes a request, interceptors transform it before sending it to the server, and the interceptors can transform the response on its way back before your application sees it. This is useful for everything from authentication to logging.

From the Angular docs.

Make sure you use @angular/common/http throughout your application. That way your requests will be catched by the interceptor.

Step 1, create the service:

import * as lskeys from './../localstorage.items';import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';import { HttpEvent, HttpInterceptor, HttpHandler, HttpRequest, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';@Injectable()export class HeaderInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {    intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {        if (true) { // e.g. if token exists, otherwise use incomming request.            return next.handle(req.clone({                setHeaders: {                    'AuthenticationToken': localStorage.getItem('TOKEN'),                    'Tenant': localStorage.getItem('TENANT')                }            }));        }        else {            return next.handle(req);        }    }}

Step 2, add it to your module:

providers: [    {      provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,      useClass: HeaderInterceptor,      multi: true // Add this line when using multiple interceptors.    },    // ...  ]

Useful links:

For us we used a solution like this:

this.http.get(this.urls.order + '&list', {        headers: {            'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',        }    }).subscribe((response) => { ...

Reference here