How to find the invalid controls in Angular(v2 onwards) reactive form How to find the invalid controls in Angular(v2 onwards) reactive form angular angular

How to find the invalid controls in Angular(v2 onwards) reactive form

You can simply iterate over every control and check the status:

    public findInvalidControls() {        const invalid = [];        const controls = this.AddCustomerForm.controls;        for (const name in controls) {            if (controls[name].invalid) {                invalid.push(name);            }        }        return invalid;    }

I just battled this issue: Every form field is valid, but still the form itself is invalid.

Turns out that I had set 'Validator.required' on a FormArray where controls are added/removed dynamically. So even if the FormArray was empty, it was still required and therefore the form was always invalid, even if every visible control was correctly filled.

I didn't find the invalid part of the form, because my 'findInvalidControls' function only checked FormControl's and not FormGroup/FormArray. So I updated it a bit:

/*    Returns an array of invalid control/group names, or a zero-length array if    no invalid controls/groups where found */public findInvalidControlsRecursive(formToInvestigate:FormGroup|FormArray):string[] {    var invalidControls:string[] = [];    let recursiveFunc = (form:FormGroup|FormArray) => {      Object.keys(form.controls).forEach(field => {         const control = form.get(field);        if (control.invalid) invalidControls.push(field);        if (control instanceof FormGroup) {          recursiveFunc(control);        } else if (control instanceof FormArray) {          recursiveFunc(control);        }              });    }    recursiveFunc(formToInvestigate);    return invalidControls;  }

An invalid Angular control has the CSS class named 'ng-invalid'.

Under DevTools in Chrome, select Console tab.

In console prompt type command:


The output should be similar to this:enter image description here

In this case, the underlined text is for the form control listen-address and the encircled text: .ng-invalid indicates that the control is invalid.

Note: Tested in chrome