How to handle RxJs timeout complete - Angular HttpClient How to handle RxJs timeout complete - Angular HttpClient angular angular

How to handle RxJs timeout complete - Angular HttpClient

This works

import { throwError, TimeoutError } from 'rxjs';catchError((error) => { // Error...   // Handle 'timeout over' error   if (error instanceof TimeoutError) {      return throwError('Timeout Exception');   }   // Return other errors   return throwError(error);})

I implemented this at my intecerptor that has other functionalities, the code here

You can use timeoutWith operator to achieve this.

return'http://localhost:3000/api/core', data).pipe(      timeoutWith(3000, observableThrowError(new Error('Http Timeout exceeds'))),      map((response: any) => { // Success...              return response;      }),      catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) => this.handleError(error))    );