How to import in a angular 2 application? How to import in a angular 2 application? angular angular

How to import in a angular 2 application?

In order to register the module so you can import it, you need to include it in you SystemJS configuration.

System.config({    packages: {        ...        "": {"defaultExtension": "js"}    },    map: {        "": "node_modules/"    }});

And change your import to:

import io from '';
import * as io from "

Also, you don't need the import in the script tag anymore, so remove:

<script src="node_modules/"></script>

Finally, if you like to add the typings, add in your typings.json:

{  "ambientDependencies": {    ...    "socket-io-client":"github:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/"  }}

P.S. Int the future, change the hash in the typings to the latest commit hash.

This is a late answer since I just had this problem and installing correct types via npm solved it for me:

npm install @types/ --save

This package contains type definitions for, so if you are getting type errors this should fix it.

I also had problems while trying to import into my project and here is how I resolved it.

Here we go :

1) Edit your systemjs.config.js file as it :

/** * System configuration for Angular 2 samples * Adjust as necessary for your application needs. */(function (global) {  System.config({    paths: {      // paths serve as alias      'npm:': 'node_modules/'    },    map: {      ... here my stuff ...      "": ''    },    packages: {      ... here my stuff ...      "": {        main: './'      }    }  });})(this);

2) Open your project in a shell then exec the following line :usually we tell you to do :

npm install --savetypings install --save --ambient

But you might received a message that told you that the ambiant flag is deprecated and that you should use global instead. But you'll quickly see that it won't work either. So i propose you something else (well errors logs will give you hints, but you probably won't understand it if you didn't go there before) :

typings install --save --global

3) Open your component that require then add at the top of your file :

import * as io from "";

then go down and add :

export class MessageComponent implements OnInit {  socket:any = null;  constructor() {      this.socket = io('http://localhost:1337');  }  ... here my stuff ...}

Where 1337 is the port of your node server containing that has been launched.

Now, all is ready, you can directly make your request :

this.socket.emit('sendMessage', {content:'it works !'});

Hope I help :), good luck with your project