How to pass async variable in template (action) function? How to pass async variable in template (action) function? angular angular

How to pass async variable in template (action) function?

Here is how I solved it :

<div *ngIf="(match | async) as match" class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(">

It's short, simple and it works.

<ng-container *ngIf="(match | async) as match">   <div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(">   </div></ng-container>

Update January 20th 2021

To be more clear I would name match observable source as match$.

And we can now use the new @ngrx/component package and use the new ngrxLet structural directive :

<ng-container *ngrxLet="match$ as match">  <div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(">  </div></ng-container>

The async pipe is no more necessary.More info on, on this link.

Another option for simple variables and without any observables is writing value of the variable into hidden input:

<div *ngIf="(match | async)?.id">    <input  #myControl [value]="(match | async).id" type="hidden" />    <div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite(myControl.value)"></div>

You can't do it in template.

But you can:

<div class="team" (click)="addToFavorite()">

and in your .component.ts:

public addToFavorite() {  this    .match  // should retain last value (e.g. use BehaviorSubject)    .first() // completes after passing one value only    .subscribe(      (matchValue) => {        // your logic here    });}

Note: We are subscribing (and immediately unsubscribing), similarly async pipe subscribes to Observable.