How to pass context to Angular 5 template from *ngIf How to pass context to Angular 5 template from *ngIf angular angular

How to pass context to Angular 5 template from *ngIf

Actually you can input your condition into ngTemplateOutlet (and get rid of ngIf).

<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="condition ? template1 : template2; context: {$implicit: 'World'}"></ng-container>

The accepted answer works when you have a single expression but will get complex where you have multiple ngIf expressions and templates.

A full example for cases where you have multiple expressions, resulting templates and even different context variables:

<!-- Example ngFor --><mat-list-item    *ngFor="let location of locations$; let l = index"    [ngSwitch]="location.type"    >    <!-- ngSwitch could be ngIf on each node according to needs & readability -->    <!-- Create ngTemplateOutlet foreach switch case, pass context -->    <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'input'">        <ng-container             *ngTemplateOutlet="inputField; context: { location: location, placeholder: 'Irrigation Start', otherOptions: 'value123' }">        </ng-contaier>    </ng-container>    <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'select'">        <ng-container             *ngTemplateOutlet="selectField; context: { location: location, selectSpecificOptions: 'scope.someSelectOptions' }">        </ng-contaier>    </ng-container>    <!-- ngSwitchCase="'others'", etc. --></mat-list-item><!-- Shared ngTemplates & note let-[variable] to read context object into scope --><ng-template     #inputField     let-location="location"    let-placeholder="placeholder    let-otherOptions="otherOptions"    <!-- Context is now accessible using let-[variable] -->    INPUT: {{ location.value }} {{ placeholder }} {{ otherOptions }}</ng-template><ng-template     #selectField     let-location="location"    let-options="selectSpecificOptions"    <!-- Context is now accessible using let-[variable] -->    SELECT: {{ location.value }} {{ options }}</ng-template>


location$ = [    {type: 'input',  value: 'test'},     {type: 'input',  value: 'test 2'},     {type: 'select', value: 'test 3'}];