How to pass values to directive in angular How to pass values to directive in angular angular angular

How to pass values to directive in angular

If you want to send data to directive then you should try like this:

This is my custom directive, and I am going to share two value from component or HTML to the directive.


import { Directive, ElementRef, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';@Directive({    selector: '[input-box]'})export class TestDirectives implements OnInit {    @Input() name: string;    @Input() value: string;    constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef) {    }    ngOnInit() {        console.log("input-box keys  : ",, this.value);    }}

and now your directive has been created and you will have add this directive into your app.module.ts like below:


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';import { AppComponent } from './app.component';import { TestDirectives } from '../directives/test.directive';@NgModule({  declarations: [    AppComponent,    TestDirectives  ],  imports: [],  providers: [],  bootstrap: [AppComponent]})export class AppModule { }

You will have to use your directive in your html and send data to the directive like in below code.

I am sending name and value to the test.directive.ts .

<div input-box [name]="'lightcyan'" [value]="'CYAN'"></div>


<div input-box [name]="" [value]="componentObject.value"></div>

Now see the console or use data in the directive accordingly.

This is an Example how you can pass value to a Directive


    import {Directive, Input, HostListener} from '@angular/core';    @Directive({      selector: '[appConfirm]'    })    export class ConfirmDirective {      //we can also add the attribute directive liek this [appconfirm] if the input in the directive has same name as appConfirm like      //@Input() appConfirm:string; and then in component button we can use the directive like      //<button type="button" [appConfirm] = "Rahul">Click to Send to Directive</button>      @Input() value:string;      @HostListener('click',['$event'])      confirm(){          const confirmed = window.confirm("Are you Sure ?");          if(confirmed){            window.alert("This is Value ["+this.value+"] Passed by the Component to the Directive")          }      }  constructor() { }}


<button type="button" appConfirm value = "Rahul">Click to Send to Directive</button>

For more info look this repo

Use @input and pass value from parent component, where this component was used like [imgval]="val"