How to reload the component of same URL in Angular 2? How to reload the component of same URL in Angular 2? angular angular

How to reload the component of same URL in Angular 2?

Navigate to some dummy component and then navigate to the component that you want to reload.//the second parameter _skipLocationChange=true to avoid that url in back button

this.router.navigateByUrl('/DummyComponent', true);this.router.navigate(["Landing"]);

this.router.navigateByUrl('/DummyComponent', {skipLocationChange: true}).then(()=>this.router.navigate(["Landing"]));

I managed to implement reloading a component by using PlatformLocation:onPopState and NgZone:run in the constructor. It was a work around, but atleast it worked the way it was required.

constructor(    private route: ActivatedRoute,    public router: Router,    private platformLocation: PlatformLocation,    private ngZone: NgZone) {    platformLocation.onPopState(() => {        if(platformLocation.pathname.startsWith("/currentRoute")) {   => {                console.log("Reloading component");            });        }    });}

onPopState was used as the reloading was supposed to be triggered on browser back/forward button. Also the check for pathname had to be used as the onPopState method was getting invoked on back/forward in any routes as the component is injected.