How to style ng-content How to style ng-content angular angular

How to style ng-content

Content inside <ng-content> is insulated from the component. It can't see the component's attributes or styling.

If you do need to style it, and sometimes you will, you have two options:

1. Just write CSS

You can create a regular CSS file and style the content like that. You are almost certainly using the shadow DOM polyfill. Regular CSS will see through the polyfill and just style the element. Say you have an app-sidebar. You could write:

app-sidebar p {  color:red;}

If you are using ng-cli, any rules you write in style.scss will be global.

2. Use the :host /deep/ selector

If you want to use the shadow DOM polyfill and style your components using the style or styleUrls attribute of the Component decorator, select the element with :host, then ignore the shadow DOM polyfill with the /deep/ child selector.

  • :host will select the element.
  • /deep/ will select elements without adding the mock shadow DOM attribute selector to the nested selectors.

Put them together and you can select all elements nested inside the host component element, regardless of where they are declared.

like so:

:host /deep/ p {  color:red;}


::slotted is now supported by all new browsers and can be used with ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom


::content xxx { ... } might work as well or :host xxx { ... }. The shimming is not very strict or accurate. AFAIK (>>> /deep/ old) ::ng-deep (supported by SASS) and a space do currently the same.

This solved my issue

::ng-deep {    & > * {         // styles here    }}