How to use Angular2 templates with *ngFor to create a table out of nested arrays? How to use Angular2 templates with *ngFor to create a table out of nested arrays? angular angular

How to use Angular2 templates with *ngFor to create a table out of nested arrays?

<table>     <ng-container *ngFor="let group of groups">         <tr><td><h2>{{}}</h2></td></tr>         <tr *ngFor="let item of group.items"><td>{{item}}</td></tr>     </ng-container></table>

You can use the template syntax of ngFor on groups and the usual syntax inside it for the actual rows like:

<table>  <template let-group ngFor [ngForOf]="groups">    <tr *ngFor="let row of group.items">{{row}}</tr>  </template></table>

Check this plunk

Here is a basic approach - it sure can be improved - of what I understood to be your requirement.

This will display 2 columns, one with the groups name, and one with the list of items associated to the group.

The trick is simply to include a list within the items cell.

<table>  <thead>    <th>Groups Name</th>    <th>Groups Items</th>  </thead>  <tbody>    <tr *ngFor="let group of groups">      <td>{{}}</td>      <td>        <ul>          <li *ngFor="let item of group.items">{{item}}</li>        </ul>      </td>    </tr>  </tbody></table>