How to use pipe in ts not HTML How to use pipe in ts not HTML angular angular

How to use pipe in ts not HTML

First import your pipe in component. And then use your pipe in your component. Like this..


/** * filter checkbox list */@Pipe({ name: 'filter', pure: true })export class FilterPipe{  transform(items: any[], args: any): any {    let filter = args.toString();    if(filter !== undefined && filter.length !== null){        if(filter.length === 0 || items.length ===0){            return items;        }else{            return filter ? items.filter(item=> item.title.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(filter) != -1) : items;        }    }  }}

component.ts (Use in your typescript code)

const filterPipe = new FilterPipe();const fiteredArr = filterPipe.transform(chkArray,txtSearch);

xyz.html (Use in your html file)

<ul>    <li *ngFor="todo for todos | filter:'txtsearch'"> {{}} </li></ul>

If Pipename is your custom pipe then if you want to use the same in your ts file then you can use below code

import {Pipename} from './pipename';Pipename.prototype.transform(arguments);//this is how u can use your custom pipe

import pipe in the component

import { PipeName } from './pipename'

include it in the provides

@Component({    selector: 'pipe-using-component',    templateUrl: './pipe-using-component.html',    providers: [        PipeName    ],})

inject it in the constructor

export class PipeUsingComponent {  constructor(private pipeName: PipeName)   }   var requiredResult = this.pipeName.transform(passvalue);}