I dont get rxjs 6 with angular 6 with interval, switchMap, and map I dont get rxjs 6 with angular 6 with interval, switchMap, and map angular angular

I dont get rxjs 6 with angular 6 with interval, switchMap, and map

The code should be something like the following. You need to use the pipe operator.

import { interval } from 'rxjs';import { switchMap, map } from 'rxjs/operators';const result = interval(5000).pipe(switchMap(() => this._authHttp.get(url)),    map(res => res.results))

After lot of research I could came up with the following updated approach from RxJs' 6 with Angular 6.

The search API is called after each interval of 5 sec and unsubscribed once the count > 5 :

let inter=interval(5000)let model : ModelComponent;model=new ModelComponent();model.emailAddress="mdshahabaz.khan@gmail.com";let count=1;this.subscriber=inter.pipe(          startWith(0),          switchMap(()=>this.asyncService.makeRequest('search',model))        ).subscribe(response => {          console.log("polling")          console.log(response.list)          count+=1;          if(count > 5){            this.subscriber.unsubscribe();          }        });

API request :

   makeRequest(method, body) : Observable<any> {    const url = this.baseurl + "/" + method;    const headers = new Headers();    this.token="Bearer"+" "+localStorage.getItem('token');     headers.append('Authorization', this.token);    headers.append('Content-Type','application/json');    const options = new RequestOptions({headers: headers});    return this.http.post(url, body, options).pipe(        map((response : Response) => {            var json = response.json();                           return json;         })    );}

Dont forget to unsubscribe to avoid memory leak.

ngOnDestroy(): void {if(this.subscriber){  this.subscriber.unsubscribe();}
