IE11 Angular 2 error "Expected identifier, string or number" IE11 Angular 2 error "Expected identifier, string or number" angular angular

IE11 Angular 2 error "Expected identifier, string or number"

The main problem is IE has Compatibility Mode enabled by default. And IE 11 has some compatibility mode issues.As per the followings question answer Angular 2 / 4 not working in IE11

When I tried to disable the compatibility mode off It works fine.

But ingeneral user will not off the compatibility mode. So I want a good solution for that.

Then I found following solution form Force IE compatibility mode off using tags

      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

I googled it and found that it was maybe reserved words in my identifiers key:value pairs.

No. These are not relevant to IE11.


You are most likely running raw .ts files. You should be hosting (in your script tags) the bundled / built .js files.