Is it possible to add a custom class to an Angular Material tab? Is it possible to add a custom class to an Angular Material tab? angular angular

Is it possible to add a custom class to an Angular Material tab?

Yes its possible by using ng-template instead of label.

Example of ngClass on first tab. stackblitz

<mat-tab-group>  <mat-tab >    <ng-template mat-tab-label>                <span [ngClass]="{'color-red': isError?'red':'black'}">Security</span>   </ng-template>    Content 1    </mat-tab>  <mat-tab label="Second"> Content 2 </mat-tab>  <mat-tab label="Third"> Content 3 </mat-tab></mat-tab-group>

If you want to modify the active tab, use this:

.mat-tab-label-active { //your style here}

If you want to modify the label style within the active tab, do this:

 .mat-tab-label-active .mat-tab-label-content {   //your style here }

Alternatively you can use ::ng-deep, google it.