ObjectUnsubscribedError when trying to prevent subscribing twice ObjectUnsubscribedError when trying to prevent subscribing twice angular angular

ObjectUnsubscribedError when trying to prevent subscribing twice

I would get the subscription and unsubscribe on it this way and not on the subject directly:

ngOnInit() {  this.pages$ = this.pagesService.getPagesListener();  this.subscription = this.pages$.subscribe((pages) => { // <-------    this.pages = pages; console.log(pages);  });  this.pagesService.getAll();}ngOnDestroy() {    this.subscription.unsubscribe(); // <-------}

.subscribe() returns a Subscription

  • You should use this to unsubscribe

e.g. Parent has a reloadSubject: Subject;

  • child1 -> subscribes
  • child2 -> subscribes

child1 - "WORKS" -> unsubscribe's his subscription

ngOnInit{   sub: Subscription = parent.subscribe();}onDestroy{  this.sub.unsubscribe();}

child2 - "DOES NOT WORK" -> unsubscribe's the whole parent

ngOnInit{   parent.subscribe();}onDestroy{  parent.unsubscribe();}

If you call unsubscribe on the parent both children are gone.
If you unsubscribe the Subscription that you get from the .subscribe()then only one child is unsubscribed.

Please correct me if I am wrong!