Observable.forkJoin() doesn't execute Observable.forkJoin() doesn't execute angular angular

Observable.forkJoin() doesn't execute

forkJoin() requires all source Observables to emit at least once and to complete.

This following demo completes as expected:

const source = forkJoin(  from([1,2,3]),  from([9,8,7,6])).subscribe(  x => console.log('GOT:', x),  err => console.log('Error:', err),  () => console.log('Completed'));

Live demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-urhkni

GOT: 3,6Completed

Jan 2019: Updated for RxJS 6

Just add observer.complete();

Will not work:


Will work:


Hope it helps.

I've faced a similar issue: I was creating a list of observables dynamically and I've noticed that forkjoin() never emits nor completes if the list of observables is empty whereas Promise.all() resolves with an empty list :

Observable.forkJoin([])    .subscribe(() => console.log('do something here')); // This is never called

The workaround I've found is to check the length of the list and to not use this operator when it is empty.

return jobList.length ? Observable.forkJoin(jobList) : Observable.of([]);