Positioning of divs in center and right and left for any browser(cross-browser) Positioning of divs in center and right and left for any browser(cross-browser) angular angular

Positioning of divs in center and right and left for any browser(cross-browser)

You can use CSS grid. I think I've understood your layout. Let me know if the example below is right.

main {  border: 1px solid;  display: grid;  grid-template-columns: minmax(200px, 300px) minmax(400px, 500px) minmax(200px, 300px);  grid-gap: 20px;  justify-content: center;}main>div {  background: yellow;  text-align: center;  padding: 1em;}.div-B {  grid-column: 2;}
<main>  <div class="panel div-A">Panel A </div>  <div class="panel div-B">Panel B </div>  <div class="panel div-C">Panel C </div></main>

This can be done using flex:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>  <style>      .container {          display: flex;          flex-direction: row;          justify-content: center;          align-items: center;          flex: 1;          overflow: hidden;      }      .classA {          display: flex;          flex-direction: row;          justify-content: center;          align-items: center;          min-width: 200px;          max-width: 300px;          height: 200px;          width: 300px;          background-color: red;      }      .classB {          display: flex;          flex-direction: row;          justify-content: center;          align-items: center;          flex: 1;          min-width: 400px;          max-width: 500px;          width: 500px;          height: 200px;          margin-left: 20px;          margin-right: 20px;          background-color: yellow;      }       .classC {          display: flex;          flex-direction: row;          justify-content: center;          align-items: center;          min-width: 200px;          max-width: 300px;          height: 200px;          width: 300px;          background-color: blue;      }       </style></head><body>  <div class="container">    <div class="classA">A</div>    <div class="classB">B</div>    <div class="classC">C</div>  </div></body></html>

Ok, as far as I understood your Problem the container div-B should always be centered, regardless from div-A odr div-B. I change two major things:

  1. I updated the styles to flexbox which has a very good browser support so far.
  2. Changed the hide class from display:block to visibility:hidden, so the free space is still blocked to div-B
  3. For better visual understanding I added a red border to the .panel container

Checkout the example in fullscreen, to see that .div-B is flexible

$(".pull-left").click(function() {  $(".div-A").toggleClass("hide")});$(".pull-right").click(function() {  $(".div-C").toggleClass("hide")});
p {  font-family: Lato;}.show {  display: block;}.hide {  visibility: hidden;}header {  height: 40px;}div.pull-left {  float: left;  width: 100px;  display: block;  color: red;  text-align: center;  border: 1px solid #ccc;}div.pull-right {  float: right;  width: 100px;  text-align: center;  border: 1px solid #ccc;}.row {  display: flex;  justify-content: space-between;  align-items: center;}.row .panel {  border: 1px solid red;  flex: 0 0 200px;}.row .panel.div-B {  flex: 1;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><!-- <hello name="{{ name }}"></hello> --><header>  <div class="pull-left" (click)='showHide("A")'>button-div-A</div>  <div class="pull-right" (click)='showHide("C")'>button-div-C</div></header><main>  <div class="row">    <div class="panel div-A">Panel A </div>    <div class="panel div-B">Panel B</div>    <div class="panel div-C">Panel C </div>  </div></main>