QueryList changes subscribe does not work QueryList changes subscribe does not work angular angular

QueryList changes subscribe does not work

The thing is, the list that comes to your factories property is already pre-populated. So you just don't have a chance to subscribe to its changes before it's populated for the first time. But all changes that happen later are coming through to your subscriber, of course.

Here is the plunkr with your example updated - notice that factories now has a setter which proves that it's prepopulated (you normally don't need it in a real app, that's for finding out only what value comes from the framework)

I think it's a totally valid behavior. So in ngAfterViewInit, loop over values in the QueryList and do the same thing you are about to do in the subscriber:

ngAfterViewInit() {  this.processChildren(); // first call to processChildren  this.factories.changes.subscribe(_ =>       this.processChildren() // subsequent calls to processChildren  );}private processChildren(): void {  console.log('Processing children. Their count:', this.factories.toArray().length)}

After you make a change to the objects in query list you should call query list to notify on changes.

update() {  this.factories.forEach(factory => {    console.log(factory.componentRef.instance.model.data = "alma")  //  factory.()  this.factories.notifyOnChanges();  })}

You can also add startWith(undefined) like this:

ngAfterViewInit() {  this.factories.changes.pipe(startWith(undefined)).subscribe(() =>   {     console.log('changed')  })}

This will trigger the subscription handler immediately.