The difference between AWS Amplify and amazon-cognito-identity-js? The difference between AWS Amplify and amazon-cognito-identity-js? angular angular

The difference between AWS Amplify and amazon-cognito-identity-js?

amazon-cognito-identity-js used to be a separate package specifically for Cognito. Recently they've been bundling all their SDKs into Amplify to streamline the integration process.

For instance in our iOS app the Cognito SDK had a number of issues that were resolved by moving to Amplify.

As you can see in the link below, this package is now maintained in the Amplify umbrella.

It used to be standalone here:

I would recommend going forward with Amplify as that is the direction that AWS development is headed internally, and amazon-cognito-identity-js is maintained as part of Amplify anyway.

To add to the great answer by @DaveS. There are 3 official tools you can use to integrate Cognito in your app:


  • Use it in client-side applications, where you'd use Amplify anyway - to leverage the premade auth UI components or to integrate with other services from the Amplify ecosystem: APIs, Analytics, Storage, etc.
  • Does not support secret-enabled Cognito app clients.
  • Cannot make authenticated (requiring AWS credentials) Cognito API calls (e.g. adminCreateUser) directly, but there's a workaround.


  • It is a much smaller package and it comes as a part of Amplify (hosted in the Amplify monorepo).
  • It can still be used separately if you don't need any of the extra features provided by Amplify (save on the bundle size).
  • Does not support secret-enabled Cognito app clients.
  • Cannot make authenticated (requiring AWS credentials) Cognito API calls, e.g. adminCreateUser.
  • Can be used in the backend (unauthenticated Cognito APIs only).


  • Low-level as it can get.
  • Provides access to all (authenticated and non-authenticated) Cognito APIs. For authenticated, make sure the code has access to AWS credentials.
  • Can work with secret-enabled Cognito client apps (you need to sign the requests with the secret).
  • Can be used in both client (for unauthenticated APIs only, otherwise you're exposing secrets) and server applications.

Code samples for all 3 can be found here: AWS Cognito: Amplify vs amazon-cognito-identity-js vs AWS SDK.