WARNING in Exceeded maximum budget for SCSS FILE IN ANGULAR WARNING in Exceeded maximum budget for SCSS FILE IN ANGULAR angular angular

WARNING in Exceeded maximum budget for SCSS FILE IN ANGULAR

budget is a group of limits to certain values that affect site performance

Open angular.json file and find budgets keyword and increase value

"budgets": [   {      "type": "initial",      "maximumWarning": "4mb", <===      "maximumError": "5mb"   },   {      "type": "anyComponentStyle",      "maximumWarning": "150kb",      "maximumError": "150kb"   }]

Even though you can just bump up your limits, it's probably not what you really want to do. The limits are there for a reason.You should try to avoid exceeding them in the first place if possible.

For me, the problem was I was importing my theme file (which was quite large) in my components' SCSS files.

@import "src/my-theme";

The reason for that was only that I needed to access my SCSS color variables within those files. It's a terrible idea to import any larger file in multiple of your styles only to access a few of your variables; your application will become huge and really slow to load.

If you only need access to your variables, I suggest this solution:

  1. in your theme file, make CSS variables like so: :root { --primary-color: #11dd11; }
  2. remove the import from your other SCSS files and use this to get your color instead: var(--primary-color)

Open angular.json file and find budgets keyword and increase value of type anyComponentStyle:

{  "type": "anyComponentStyle",  "maximumWarning": "150kb",  "maximumError": "150kb"}