Xcode has conflicting provisioning settings Xcode has conflicting provisioning settings angular angular

Xcode has conflicting provisioning settings

This worked perfectly for me. Give a try :)

Step 1:

Select the Project Target-- > Build Settings. Search PROVISIONING_PROFILE and delete whatever nonsense is there.

Step 2:

Uncheck "Automatically manage signing", then check it again and reselect the Team. Xcode then fix whatever was causing the issue on its own.

The problem is in Code Signing Identity. This is a new problem that showed up on the latest release of Xcode. Go to Code Signing Identity, then add other and type in "iPhone Developer" as shown in the error message and save then this will display.enter image description here

If this does not work show me your General signing. and your Code Signing Identity from both your Project and your Targets

The problem is in Code Signing Identity. This is a new problem that showed up on the latest release of Xcode. Go to Code Signing Identity, make all IOS Developer rather that IOS distribution.