Accessing nested JSON with AngularJS Accessing nested JSON with AngularJS angularjs angularjs

Accessing nested JSON with AngularJS

I suggest something like this:

$http({method: 'GET', url: 'json/json_price_1.json'}).success(function(data) {    $scope.artists = [];    angular.forEach(data.artists, function(value, key) {        $scope.artists.push(value);    });    $scope.isVisible = function(name){        return true;// return false to hide this artist's albums    };});

And then:

<div ng-controller="ListCtrl">    <ul>        <li ng-repeat="artist in artists">{{}}</li>    </ul>    <ul ng-repeat="artist in artists" ng-show="isVisible(">        <li ng-repeat="album in artist.albums">{{album.title}}</li>    </ul></div>

All your problems start with your JSON. I recommend you to simplify your JSON and make each Artist and Album an Object and Artists and Albums arrays of objects.

Try this one:

{  "version": "1",  "artists": [    {      "name": "artist1name",      "jpeg": "../img/artist/artist1.jpg",      "albums": [        {          "type": "cd",          "title": "titlealbum1",          "subtitle": "subtitlealbum1",          "jpeg": "../img/album1.jpg",          "price": "12.00",          "anystring1": "anystring1album1",          "anystring2": "anystring2album1"        },        {          "type": "cd",          "title": "titlealbum2",          "subtitle": "subtitlealbum2",          "jpeg": "../img/album2.jpg",          "price": "12.00",          "anystring1": "anystring1album2",          "anystring2": "anystring2album2"        },        {          "type": "cd",          "title": "titlealbum3",          "subtitle": "subtitlealbum3",          "jpeg": "../img/album3.jpg",          "price": "13.00",          "anystring1": "anystring1album3",          "anystring2": "anystring2album3"        }      ]    },    {      "name": "artist2name",      "jpeg": "../img/artist/artist2.jpg",      "albums": []    }  ]}

An Array can be empty as in my example (artist2 has no album assigned).

You have also wrong asignment in your ListCtrl, you cannot assign and display albums until you know the correct Artist. If you want to diplay all albums of all artists, you need to iterate through all artists.

Example controller:

angular.module('list', []);function ListCtrl($scope, $http) {  $http({    method: 'GET',    url: 'json_price_1.json'  }).success(function(data) {    $scope.artists = data.artists; // response data    $scope.albums = [];    angular.forEach(data.artists, function(artist, index) {      angular.forEach(artist.albums, function(album, index){        $scope.albums.push(album);      });    });  });}

Here is modified Plunkr based on jessie example:

Check Plunker link

Answer to your question "how will i select on this nested json?"

$.each(data.artists, function(index, element){  $.each(this.albums, function(index, element){    $scope.albums.push(element);  });});

Answer to your question "how will i filter those artists with a text field?"

<input ng-model="searchText.artistName"><ul ng-repeat="album in albums | filter:searchText">    <li>{{album.title}}</li></ul>