Achieving a preview of a PDF or hiding parts of a PDF in a web page from BLOB format -Angular Achieving a preview of a PDF or hiding parts of a PDF in a web page from BLOB format -Angular angularjs angularjs

Achieving a preview of a PDF or hiding parts of a PDF in a web page from BLOB format -Angular

You can do with this and Previously I made some changes to the directive and did this task. I'm not going into the deep but i made example for you. Created Plunker but somehow not able to run it Here is the complete example . Just run it on your server.

 angular.module('ngPDFViewer', []). directive('pdfviewer', ['$parse', function ($parse) {        var canvas = null;        var instance_id = null;        var excludedPages = [];        return {            restrict : "E",            template : "<div class='make-scrollable'></div>",            scope : {                onPageLoad : '&',                loadProgress : '&',                src : '@',                id : '=',                excludedPages : '='            },            controller : ['$scope', function ($scope) {                    $scope.pageNum = 1;                    $scope.pdfDoc = null;                    $scope.scale = 1.0;                    $scope.documentProgress = function (progressData) {                        if ($scope.loadProgress) {                            $scope.loadProgress({                                state : "loading",                                loaded : progressData.loaded,                                total :                            });                        }                    };                    $scope.loadPDF = function (path) {                        console.log('loadPDF ', path);                        PDFJS.getDocument(path, null, null, $scope.documentProgress).then(function (_pdfDoc) {                            $scope.pdfDoc = _pdfDoc;                            $scope.renderPages($scope.pageNum, function (success) {                                if ($scope.loadProgress) {                                    $scope.loadProgress({                                        state : "finished",                                        loaded : 0,                                        total : 0                                    });                                }                            });                        }, function (message, exception) {                            console.log("PDF load error: " + message);                            if ($scope.loadProgress) {                                $scope.loadProgress({                                    state : "error",                                    loaded : 0,                                    total : 0                                });                            }                        });                    };                    $scope.renderPages = function (num, callback) {                        $scope.$apply(function () {                            $scope.onPageLoad({                                page : $scope.pageNum,                                total : $scope.pdfDoc.numPages                            });                        });                        for (var num = 1; num <= $scope.pdfDoc.numPages; num++){                            var exist = $.inArray(num, excludedPages);                            if(exist===-1){                                $scope.pdfDoc.getPage(num).then(function(page) {                                    $scope.renderPage(page, num)                                })                            }                        }                    };                    $scope.renderPage = function(page, num) {                        var viewport = page.getViewport($scope.scale);                        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');                        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');                        canvas.height = viewport.height;                        canvas.width = viewport.width;                        $('.make-scrollable').append(canvas);                        $('.make-scrollable').height(viewport.height - 100);                        page.render({ canvasContext: ctx, viewport: viewport }).promise.then(                            function() {                                 console.log("Rendered");                            }                       )                    }                    $scope.$on('pdfviewer.nextPage', function (evt, id) {                        if (id !== instance_id) {                            return;                        }                        if ($scope.pageNum < $scope.pdfDoc.numPages) {                            $scope.pageNum++;                            $scope.renderPage($scope.pageNum);                        }                    });                    $scope.$on('pdfviewer.prevPage', function (evt, id) {                        if (id !== instance_id) {                            return;                        }                        if ($scope.pageNum > 1) {                            $scope.pageNum--;                            $scope.renderPage($scope.pageNum);                        }                    });                    $scope.$on('pdfviewer.gotoPage', function (evt, id, page) {                        if (id !== instance_id) {                            return;                        }                        if (page >= 1 && page <= $scope.pdfDoc.numPages) {                            $scope.pageNum = page;                            $scope.renderPage($scope.pageNum);                        }                    });                }            ],            link : function (scope, iElement, iAttr) {                canvas = iElement.find('canvas')[0];                instance_id =;                excludedPages = scope.$parent.excludePages;                iAttr.$observe('src', function (v) {                    console.log('src attribute changed, new value is', v);                    if (v !== undefined && v !== null && v !== '') {                        scope.pageNum = 1;                        scope.loadPDF(scope.src);                    }                });            }        };    }]).service("PDFViewerService", ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {        var svc = {};        svc.nextPage = function () {            $rootScope.$broadcast('pdfviewer.nextPage');        };        svc.prevPage = function () {            $rootScope.$broadcast('pdfviewer.prevPage');        };        svc.Instance = function (id) {            var instance_id = id;            return {                prevPage : function () {                    $rootScope.$broadcast('pdfviewer.prevPage', instance_id);                },                nextPage : function () {                    $rootScope.$broadcast('pdfviewer.nextPage', instance_id);                },                gotoPage : function (page) {                    $rootScope.$broadcast('pdfviewer.gotoPage', instance_id, page);                }            };        };        return svc;    }]);