Add more text after using a filter in ng-bind in angularjs Add more text after using a filter in ng-bind in angularjs angularjs angularjs

Add more text after using a filter in ng-bind in angularjs

Instead of interpolating(using {{}}) something in the ng-bind directive you can simply enclose the filtered value with a parenthesis and append your text.

<h1 ng-bind="(input | filter) + ' more stuff'"></h1>

furthermore, if the text you want to add is not in any way dynamic then I suggest you append another element to bind the filtered value and then add the text after that element.


<h1><span ng-bind="(input | filter)"></span> more stuff</h1>

This saves you one concatenation process.

Example here

You can do something like this:

<h1 ng-bind="'{{input | filter}}' + ' more stuff'"></h1>

Here's an example: