Angular add modules after angular.bootstrap Angular add modules after angular.bootstrap angularjs angularjs

Angular add modules after angular.bootstrap

Create your module:

angular.module('app.controllers', []);

Add it as a dependency:


according to this presentation (slide 12) you can assign controllerProvider to app.

Example of replacing module's controller method:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);//note overriding controller method might be a little controversial :D myApp.config(function allowRegisteringControllersInRuntime($controllerProvider) {    var backup = myApp.controller;    myApp.controller = $controllerProvider.register;    myApp.controller.legacy = backup;}) ($rootScope, $compile) {    myApp.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {        $ = 'Superhero';    })    var elem;    var scope=$rootScope;    elem = $compile('<p ng-controller="MyCtrl">{{name}}</br><input ng-model="name" /></p>')($rootScope, function (clonedElement, scope) {        console.log('newly created element', clonedElement[0])        document.body.appendChild(clonedElement[0]);    });    console.log('You can access original register via', myApp.controller.legacy);})

The only method that I've seen that works is replacing the angular.module function with your own function returning the module you used to bootstrap your app.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);    angular.module = function() {    return myApp;}

So that all modules that are registered afterwards are actually being registered in your myApp module.

This method combined with the one you describe in the question (using providers like $controllerProvider) will allow you to add "modules" after angular.bootstrap.


See this jsfiddle for a demo:


  • The config blocks of the modules that are added after angular.bootstrap will not be called. Maybe there's a way to fix this, but I haven't found it.
  • Overriding angular.module feels like a "dirty hack".