Angular ASP.NET MVC Binding Angular ASP.NET MVC Binding angularjs angularjs

Angular ASP.NET MVC Binding

There is no need to separate the model into individual fields when you bind to scope. Instead you should bind the entire model:

 $scope.model = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));

This would render to the client as:

 $scope.model = { FirstName: 'John', LastName:'Doe', etc };

Then you can bind your input fields as:

@Html.EditorFor(x => x.FirstName,      new { required = "required", ng_model = "model.FirstName" })

Personally, I think its cleaner not to use @Html, in favor of simple HTML:

<input ng-model="model.FirstName" required />

In Angular, you don't really need an id anymore.