Angular Ctrl click? Angular Ctrl click? angularjs angularjs

Angular Ctrl click?


<input ng-click="some_function($event)"/>


$scope.some_function = function(event){    if (event.ctrlKey)    {       // logic here    }}

You have to create your own ctrl-click directive. To do this, navigate to your "directives" folder in your editor and create ones.

You can do it by terminal writting:

ng generate directive ctrl-click

Once created, you have to edit it like following:

import {     Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';@Directive({    // tslint:disable-next-line:directive-selector    selector: '[ctrl-click]',})export class CtrlClickDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {    private unsubscribe: any;    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-output-rename    @Output('ctrl-click') ctrlClickEvent = new EventEmitter();    constructor(private readonly renderer: Renderer2, private readonly element: ElementRef) {}    ngOnInit() {        this.unsubscribe = this.renderer.listen(this.element.nativeElement, 'click', event => {            if (event.ctrlKey) {                event.preventDefault();                event.stopPropagation();                // unselect accidentally selected text (browser default behaviour)                document.getSelection().removeAllRanges();                this.ctrlClickEvent.emit(event);            }        });    }    ngOnDestroy() {        if (!this.unsubscribe) {            return;        }        this.unsubscribe();    }}

If there is a conflict with "spec.ts" file, you can comment its constructor.

Finally, you need to add to app.modules.ts file if it has not been added automatically:

import { CtrlClickDirective } from './shared/directives/ctrl-click.directive';@NgModule({imports: [    ...    CtrlClickDirective],

And then, you can use it in your html files.

NOTE: You can not add listeners for both (click) and (ctrl-click) on the same element. The (click) event will fire every time. If you need both event listeners, then you need to nest them, like this:

<a (click)="this.openSomething(params...)" style="cursor: pointer">    <span (ctrl-click)="this.openSomethingNewTab(params...)">New Tab</span></a>

This should work fine, I hope I help you.