Angular-DataTables custom filter Angular-DataTables custom filter angularjs angularjs

Angular-DataTables custom filter

After searching and browsing, combined few examples and came up with this.


 <label><input type="checkbox" id="customFilter" value="player" ng-click="reload()" > Player</label>


 'use strict';    angular.module('showcase', ['datatables'])            //.controller('ServerSideProcessingCtrl', ServerSideProcessingCtrl);    .controller('ServerSideProcessingCtrl',["$scope", "DTOptionsBuilder", "DTColumnBuilder","DTInstances",  function ($scope, DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder, DTInstances) {    //function ServerSideProcessingCtrl(DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder) {        console.log($scope);        $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()                .withOption('ajax', {                    // Either you specify the AjaxDataProp here                    // dataSrc: 'data',                    url: 'getTableData.php',                    type: 'POST',                    // CUSTOM FILTERS                    data: function (data) {                        data.customFilter = $('#customFilter').is(':checked');                    }                })            // or here                .withDataProp('data')                .withOption('serverSide', true)                .withPaginationType('full_numbers');        $scope.dtColumns = [            DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('id').withTitle('ID'),            DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('name').withTitle('First name'),            DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('position').withTitle('Position'),            DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('type').withTitle('Type')        ];        DTInstances.getLast().then(function (dtInstance) {            $scope.dtInstance = dtInstance;        });        $scope.reload = function(event, loadedDT) {            $scope.dtInstance.reloadData();        };    }]);

and on the backend just go through the $_POST and check for custom filter, hopefully this will help someone

You can use withFnServerData with fromSource functions instead ofwithOption:

This API allows you to override the default function to retrieve the data (which is $.getJSON according to DataTables documentation) to something more suitable for you application.

It's mainly used for Datatables v1.9.4. See DataTable documentation.

$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource('data.json')    .withFnServerData(serverData);function serverData (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) {    oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax({        'dataType': 'json',        'type': 'POST',        'url': sSource,        'data': aoData,        'success': fnCallback    });


Ok sorry its not a full blown example. This only works with angular and datatables, if you do a filter on the ng-repeat eg | aFilter:this The this transfers the scope. The filtering applied can now be quite complex. Within the ng-controller <div> you can have an html partial containing drop downs or input texts, all having an ng-model value.

When these change they kick off the filter routineaFilter an angular.filter('aFilter'.... js routine. The records are piped through the afilter routine allowing the ones wanted to be pushed onto an array and this is what is returned with the return. It doesn't work with breeze, yet. Be aware it is unlikely to be server side. To deal with server side maybe an SQL call in the service....another day.

eg in the ng-table id="test" :

<tr ng-repeat="edRec in aSetOfJSonRecords | aFilter:this | orderBy:'summat'">{{edRec.enCode}} etc</tr>

in the aFilter, the fltEnCode represents the ng-model values, the test variable allows freedom from nulls causing issues upon comparison, good idea to test for undefined first:

   app.filter('aFilter', [function () {        return function (items, $scope) {            var countItems = 0;            var filtered = [];            var isOK = 0;            angular.forEach(items, function (item) {                isOK = 1;                // some conditions                if ($scope.fltEnCode !== "") {                    if (item.enCode === null) { test = ""; } else { test = item.enCode; }                if (test.indexOf($scope.fltEnCode) < 0) isOK = 0;                }                // end of conditions                if (isOK > 0) {                    filtered.push(item);                    countItems++;                }            });           // alert(countItems);            return filtered;        };    }]);

Hope its of some use. I've avoided boolean variables as they have given grief before. Odd occasions have needed an ng-change in the html items pointing to an angular function resetting the data by calling the getTheItemsForTest() in the controller. This redraws the list. Having

$scope.dtOptions = {     stateSave: false, .......

in your controller, keeps the sorting columns correct.

$(document).ready(function() {    var table = $('#test').DataTable();    table.draw();};

might also be useful if its recalcitrant. I need to know how to make it work for breeze??? Enjoy..