Angular.js configuring ui-router child-states from multiple modules Angular.js configuring ui-router child-states from multiple modules angularjs angularjs

Angular.js configuring ui-router child-states from multiple modules

I finally chose this approach which does the job for me:

// add all your dependencies here and configure a root state e.g. "app"angular.module( 'ngBoilerplate', ['ui.router','templates-app','templates-common','etc','etc']);// configure your child states in here, such as, etc.angular.module( '', ['ngBoilerplate']);angular.module( '', ['ngBoilerplate']);// tie everything together so you have a static module name// that can be used with ng-app. this module doesn't do anything more than that.angular.module( 'app', ['','']);

and then in your app index.html

<html ng-app="app">

In the documentation the feature1 module depends on the application module. Try

angular.module( '', ['ngBoilerplate'])

I would of just commented but i do not have the rep. I know this is old but i had the same problem and came across this. One thing i am confused about is in app.js you do not import "" but ngBoilerplate.library instead. I had the same problem and my solution was to inject sub modules into the top module instead of their parent.

My structure was module('ngBoilerplate'), module('') and module('')'. I was injecting into and the $stateProvider was failing. I needed to inject into top level ngBoilerplate.

I thought i would put this here in case anyone else sees this. The error i had was Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'navigable' of undefined from