Angular.js format date from json object Angular.js format date from json object angularjs angularjs

Angular.js format date from json object

I actually combined the answers from @Charminbear and @Nikos ending up in this filter which works quite nice and is quite clear without the regex:

myApp.filter("jsDate", function () {    return function (x) {        return new Date(parseInt(x.substr(6)));    };});

This makes it possible to write

{{ $scope.item.CreatedOn | jsDate | date:"yyyy-MM-dd" }}

One option is to write another filter and put it in the chain. E.g.:

app.filter("mydate", function() {    var re = /\/Date\(([0-9]*)\)\//;    return function(x) {        var m = x.match(re);        if( m ) return new Date(parseInt(m[1]));        else return null;    };});

Basically it uses the regular expression to parse the string and make a Date (if the format is different than the one shown, you will have to tweak the regular expression).

Use it as:

<td>{{item.CreatedOn | mydate | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}</td>

I know I'm late for the party. But I want to tell what helped me was :-

<td>{{item.yourdatefield.slice(6,-2) | date:'dd-MMM-yyyy' }}</td>

Hope it'll help lazy coders like Me. :)