Angular JS observe on directive attribute Angular JS observe on directive attribute angularjs angularjs

Angular JS observe on directive attribute


all of these are treated as equivalent in Angular:

<span ng:bind="a" ng-bind="a" data-ng-bind="a" x-ng-bind="a">

So the attribute data-value normalizes to value

So, this is what you want:

attrs.$observe('value', function(val) {

Just watch the value instead of dataValue.

attrs.$observe('value', function (val)  { ...

You can also use a new attribute for your directive instead of data-value:

<tile title="Sleep Duration"  your-new-attribute={{sleepHistory.averageSleepTime}}" />attrs.$observe('yourNewAttribute', function (newValue, oldValue) {    if (newValue && newValue !== oldValue) {        // ...    }});