Angular JS SPA using LDAP authentication Angular JS SPA using LDAP authentication angularjs angularjs

Angular JS SPA using LDAP authentication


  1. LDAP Authentication using JNDI works just fine, you could also use the neat UnboundID LDAP Java API. A simple LDAP Bind example can be found here: .

Note also that you could use a Node.JS module as your backend, the Passport.JS Authentication framework for example, provides lots of features/capabilities relative to authentication and Federation (i.e., do things like 'Login with Google', etc...). See:

  1. On the Angular/frontend side,your best bet is to use a JWT token. It's all explained in detail with examples here:

In essence:

  • your backend Authentication REST should return a JWT Token in the response, once the user successfully binds to LDAP. This Token would contain some user data, and should be encrypted (see link above).
  • Your Angular App should set that token as a cookie on the client Browser ("set-cookie" response header) upon successful login (so in the Controller of your Login view).
  • The Client will then present that cookie/JWT Token on every request it makes to your app.
  • Your app will then need to validate the token presented on every request (in the controller of your SPA). You may also want to add the user authentication data to your $scope so you can use it in your view.

Hope it helps...