Angular Material Design - Change flex value with screen size Angular Material Design - Change flex value with screen size angularjs angularjs

Angular Material Design - Change flex value with screen size

Check out the "Responsive Flex & Offset Attributes" section here:

Basically, you can use these options:

  • flex - Sets flex on all.
  • flex-sm - Sets flex on devices less than 600px wide.
  • flex-gt-sm - Sets flex on devices greater than 600px wide.
  • flex-md - Sets flex on devices between 600px and 960px wide.
  • flex-gt-md - Sets flex on devices greater than 960px wide.
  • flex-lg - Sets flex on devices between 960px and 1200px.
  • flex-gt-lg - Sets flex on devices greater than 1200px wide.

So change your:

<div layout="column" flex="66">


<div layout="column" flex-gt-sm="66">

And that div will only use the 66 width when greater than small (mobile)