Angular ng-click issues on Safari with IOS 8.3 Angular ng-click issues on Safari with IOS 8.3 angularjs angularjs

Angular ng-click issues on Safari with IOS 8.3

IOS 8.4.1 Update has a known issue which stop ng-link and ng-click to work.

Using "touchstart click" can possibly solve this issue.

app.directive("ngMobileClick", [function () {    return function (scope, elem, attrs) {        elem.bind("touchstart click", function (e) {            e.preventDefault();            e.stopPropagation();            scope.$apply(attrs["ngMobileClick"]);        });    }}])

HTML call: ng-mobile-click="onCalculate()"

I fixed it in the end.

The problem was in the //Do something... And then: part of the function.At some point along the way, that function saves some data to the browser local storage.

My boss was using private browsing on safari, and apparently when using private browsing on safari, the browser wont save and data on the local storage and it throws an exception and kills the code.

Well, thanks any way.