Angular-ui modal - pass data into modal Angular-ui modal - pass data into modal angularjs angularjs

Angular-ui modal - pass data into modal

How about this?

I added the item to the resolve

resolve: {    items: function () {        return $scope.items;    },    item: function(){        return size;    }}

And in the controller I am doing: $scope.item = item; after injecting the item

I've made a plunker for you at

You want to resolve your data much like you do items currently.

$ = function (size) {var modalInstance = ${  templateUrl: 'myModalContent.html',  controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',  resolve: {    items: function () {      return $scope.items;    },    size: function() {      console.log('size: ', size);      return size;    }  }});

and in your modal controller make sure to include the now resolved size object as follows:

angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo').controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', function ($scope, $modalInstance, items, size) {  $scope.items = items;  $scope.selected = {    item: $scope.items[0]  };  $scope.size = size;  $scope.ok = function () {    $modalInstance.close($scope.selected.item);  };  $scope.cancel = function () {    $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');  };});

What worked for me was to create an object within resolve that returns an object that holds the variables that I wanted to share.

resolve: {  shared: function(){    return {      name: 'Spencer',      numbers: [1, 2, 3]    }  }}

To access the shared object, include it when defining your modal instance controller.

app.controller('ModalInstanceController', function($scope, shared, $uibModalInstance,