Angular-ui.router: Update URL without view refresh Angular-ui.router: Update URL without view refresh angularjs angularjs

Angular-ui.router: Update URL without view refresh

This is an example of the way to go if I understand correctly:

$state.go('my.state', {}, {notify:false, reload:false});//And to remove the id from the url:$state.go('my.state', {id:undefined}, {notify:false, reload:false});

From user l-liava-l in the issue

You can check the $state API here:$state

Based on our previous discussions, I want to give you some idea, how to use UI-Router here. I believe, I understand your challenge properly... There is a working example. If this not fully suites, please take it as some inspiration

DISCLAIMER: With a plunker, I was not able to achieve this:, but the principle should be in that example similar

So, there is a state definition (we have only two states)

  $stateProvider    .state('main', {        url: '/',        views: {          '@' : {            templateUrl: 'tpl.layout.html',            controller: 'MainCtrl',          },          'right@main' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.right.html',},           'map@main' : {            templateUrl: '',            controller: 'MapCtrl',          },          'list@main' : {            templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',            controller: 'ListCtrl',          },        },      })    .state('main.criteria', {        url: '^/criteria/:criteria/:value',        views: {          'map' : {            templateUrl: '',            controller: 'MapCtrl',          },          'list' : {            templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',            controller: 'ListCtrl',          },        },      })}];

This would be our main tpl.layout.html

<div>  <section class="main">    <section class="map">      <div ui-view="map"></div>    </section>    <section class="list">      <div ui-view="list"></div>    </section>  </section>  <section class="right">    <div ui-view="right"></div>  </section></div>

As we can see, the main state does target these nested views of the main state: 'viewName@main', e.g. 'right@main'

Also the subview, main.criteria does inject into layout views.

Its url starts with a sign ^ (url : '^/criteria/:criteria/:value'), which allows to have / slash for main and not doubled slash for child

And also there are controllers, they are here a bit naive, but they should show, that on the background could be real data load (based on criteria).

The most important stuff here is, that the PARENT MainCtrl creates the $scope.Model = {}. This property will be (thanks to inheritance) shared among parent and children. That's why this all will work:

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope){  $scope.Model = {};  $ = ['Rest1', 'Rest2', 'Rest3', 'Rest4', 'Rest5'];    $scope.Model.randOrd = function (){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); };}).controller('ListCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams){  $scope.Model.list = []  $    .sort( $scope.Model.randOrd )    .forEach(function(i) {$scope.Model.list.push(i + " - " + $stateParams.value || "root")})  $scope.Model.selected = $scope.Model.list[0];  $ = function(index){    $scope.Model.selected = $scope.Model.list[index];    }})

This should get some idea how we can use the features provided for us by UI-Router:

Check the above extract here, in the working example

Extend: new plunker here

If we do not want to have map view to be recreated, we can just omit that form the child state def:

.state('main.criteria', {    url: '^/criteria/:criteria/:value',    views: {      // 'map' : {      //  templateUrl: '',      //  controller: 'MapCtrl',      //},      'list' : {        templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',        controller: 'ListCtrl',      },    },  })

Now our map VIEW will be just recieving changes in the model (could be watched) but view and controller won't be rerendered

ALSO, there is another plunker which uses the controllerAs

.state('main', {    url: '/',    views: {      '@' : {        templateUrl: 'tpl.layout.html',        controller: 'MainCtrl',        controllerAs: 'main',        // here      },      ...    },  }).state('main.criteria', {    url: '^/criteria/:criteria/:value',    views: {      'list' : {        templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',        controller: 'ListCtrl',        controllerAs: 'list',      // here      },    },  })

and that could be used like this:


The last plunker is here

you can use scope inheritance to update url without refreshing view

$stateProvider            .state('itemList', {                url: '/itemlist',                templateUrl: 'Scripts/app/item/ItemListTemplate.html',                controller: 'ItemListController as itemList'                //abstract: true //abstract maybe?            }).state('itemList.itemDetail', {                url: '/:itemName/:itemID',                templateUrl: 'Scripts/app/item/ItemDetailTemplate.html',                controller: 'ItemDetailController as itemDetail',                resolve: {                    'CurrentItemID': ['$stateParams',function ($stateParams) {                        return $stateParams['itemID'];                    }]                }            })

if child view is inside parent view both controllers share same you can place a dummy (or neccessary) ui-view inside parent view which will be populated by child view.

and insert a

$scope.loadChildData = function(itemID){..blabla..};

function in parent controller which will be called by child controller on controller load. so when a user clicks

<a ui-sref="childState({itemID: 12})">bla</a> 

only child controller and child view will be refreshed. then you can call parent scope function with necessary parameters.