Angular2: how to use bootstrap-tagsinput properly Angular2: how to use bootstrap-tagsinput properly angularjs angularjs

Angular2: how to use bootstrap-tagsinput properly

I can see some issue in using bootstrap-tags-input with angular batter to use ngTagsInput if you using angular.

Please see more details at : ngTagsInput , demo

the boostrap-tagsinput is a directive. So you can need somethings as follow:

Step 1: Import boostrap-tagsinput

import {TagsInputComponents} from 'bootstrap-tagsinput';

Step 2: Add to directives

@Component({    ...    directives: [TagsInputComponents],    ...})

then use it in your view.

Hope this help!

For anyone looking for an easier solution. I ended up using angular2-tag-input

First you'll have to run your node command prompt

npm install angular2-tag-input --save

Then include it in your module

// In one of your application NgModulesimport {RlTagInputModule} from 'angular2-tag-input';    @NgModule({      imports: [        RlTagInputModule      ]    })// In one of your component templates<rl-tag-input [(ngModel)]="tags" placeholder="Testing placeholder"></rl-tag-input>// In one of your component ts filevar tags= ['tag1','tag2','tag3']