angularjs 1.6.0 (latest now) routes not working angularjs 1.6.0 (latest now) routes not working angularjs angularjs

angularjs 1.6.0 (latest now) routes not working

Simply use hashbang #! in the href:

 <a href="#!/add-quote">Add Quote</a>

Due to aa077e8, the default hash-prefix used for $location hash-bang URLs has changed from the empty string ('') to the bang ('!').

If you actually want to have no hash-prefix, then you can restore the previous behavior by adding a configuration block to your application:

appModule.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider) {  $locationProvider.hashPrefix('');}]);

For more information, see

Sorry to get on my high horse but... How did this get released? This is massive, breaking bug. — @MiloTheGreat

The breaking change as by #14202 should be reverted as the reference specification was already officially deprecated #15715

I'm going to close this issue because we haven't got any feedback. Feel free to reopen this issue if you can provide new feedback.

Simply include the ! into the href:

<body>    <a href="#!/add-quote">Add Quote</a>    <div ng-view ></div></body>

I couldn't get routing to work in 1.6.4 so I decided to use angular 1.5.11 and routing works fine although I needed to define all my routings in when(..) functions with trailing "/"

If sticking to an older version of angular is an option for you then consider it since it may save your nerves...

var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);app.config(function($routeProvider) {$routeProvider.when("/layoutandviewbox", {    templateUrl : "views/layout-and-viewbox.html"}).when("/basicshapes", {    templateUrl : "views/basic-shapes.html"}).when("/advancedshapes", {    templateUrl : "views/advanced-shapes.html"}).when("/groups", {    templateUrl : "views/groups.html"}).when("/transformations", {    templateUrl : "views/transformations.html"}).when("/effects", {    templateUrl : "views/effects.html"}).when("/", {    templateUrl : "views/basic-shapes.html"});});