AngularJS and authentication to an Oauth2 Provider? AngularJS and authentication to an Oauth2 Provider? angularjs angularjs

AngularJS and authentication to an Oauth2 Provider?

Lets try an answer to your three questions:

Q1) You should basically understand the general OAuth2 process. It is not an AngularJS-specific implementation you're looking at. If you don't want to work with a popup window for the authorization, you'll have to trick around a bit to have the redirect_url / state working correctly after coming back (if you want to have #state - saving - otherwise just specify your entry - url in the redirect_uri). You should not use $http for the redirection as this is just for XHR and similar calls useful. To get your user to the login page, just do a $window.location.href = '';

Your app will then redirect to the login page - don't forget your parameters for redirect_url. Also specify other parameters within the request like "scope" / "state" if required.

Q2) The redirect AFTER Login will redirect to the uri you specified within your redirect_url. Then it will come up with something like

Just grab the parts from angular with a bit of code like this:

var currentURL = $location.absUrl();var paramPartOfURL = currentURL.slice(currentURL.indexOf('#') + 1);

Then parse the paramPart into an array with split('&') and iterate through it by looking for the "key" access_token and - voila - there is your access_token ready for being taken into your local storage / service / cookie.

There are other implementations you might use to split URLs into parts - maybe there is a better one, but this here would be the "fast shot".After parsing, you can redirect the user again to the correct state with a normal $location.path(....) call and eliminate the # parameters of OAuth2.

Q3) If you want to have a way of mapping the source state / route of your AngularJS-app - try misusing the state parameter if your OAuth2-Server implements it. This will survive the request <-> response.For a non-popup-implementation, I don't know any further module currently.

Another way to play with the OAuth2 stuff is to implement the loginpage on your own and then just interact with a oauth2 provider reacting on rest calls with Basic Auth or other methods. Then you can use $http calls probably.