AngularJS: controller vs service AngularJS: controller vs service angularjs angularjs

AngularJS: controller vs service

Controllers are typically used to be bound with a view. Controllers manage a view's life cycle, and should be thought of as View Controllers. A new controller will be created for each instance of a view, meaning that if you navigate away from a certain view, and then back again - or if you have more than once instance of a certain view, a new controller will be created each time.

Services are typically used as the business logic of your application. Services are similar to singletons in the sense that they are created once, and the instance is maintained throughout the entire life cycle of your application. It is a good place to put your logical functions which many views or components will require, and also hold global cache which needs to be accessed throughout multiple areas in your application.

controllers - responsibilities: initialize the view, mediate interaction between view/scope and services. It has dependencies on the view and model, but is more concerned with the view and making it work.

services - responsibilities: provides business services that is not dependent on the view or the controller. Its primary concern is delivering services, regardless of the consumer (controller/view/other services).

I'm not convinced if persistence factors into the differences.

As per the AngularJS documentation,

Controllers are to do with view related business logic. Services, on the other hand, are to do with reusable business logic independent of the views.