AngularJS - convert dates in controller AngularJS - convert dates in controller angularjs angularjs

AngularJS - convert dates in controller = $filter('date')(, "dd/MM/yyyy"); // for conversion to string

But if you are using HTML5 type="date" then the ISO format yyyy-MM-dd MUST be used.

item.dateAsString = $filter('date')(, "yyyy-MM-dd");  // for type="date" binding<input type="date" ng-model="item.dateAsString" value="{{ item.dateAsString }}" pattern="dd/MM/YYYY"/>

NOTE: use of pattern="" with type="date" looks non-standard, but it appears to work in the expected way in Chrome 31.

create a filter.js and you can make this as reusable

angular.module('yourmodule').filter('date', function($filter){    return function(input)    {        if(input == null){ return ""; }        var _date = $filter('date')(new Date(input), 'dd/MM/yyyy');        return _date.toUpperCase();    };});


<span>{{ d.time | date }}</span>

or in controller

var filterdatetime = $filter('date')( yourdate );

Date filtering and formatting in Angular js.

All solutions here doesn't really bind the model to the input because you will have to change back the dateAsString to be saved as date in your object (in the controller after the form will be submitted).

If you don't need the binding effect, but just to show it in the input,

a simple could be:

<input type="date" value="{{ | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd' }}" id="item_date" />

Then, if you like, in the controller, you can save the edited date in this way:

  $ = new Date(document.getElementById('item_date').value).getTime();

be aware: in your controller, you have to declare your item variable as $scope.item in order for this to work.