angularjs force uppercase in textbox angularjs force uppercase in textbox angularjs angularjs

angularjs force uppercase in textbox

Please see the other answer below, which is superior to this one.

this answer is based on the answer here: How to autocapitalize the first character in an input field in AngularJS?.

I'd imagine that what you'd want would be a parser function like this:

angular  .module('myApp', [])  .directive('capitalize', function() {    return {      require: 'ngModel',      link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelCtrl) {        var capitalize = function(inputValue) {          if (inputValue == undefined) inputValue = '';          var capitalized = inputValue.toUpperCase();          if (capitalized !== inputValue) {            // see where the cursor is before the update so that we can set it back            var selection = element[0].selectionStart;            modelCtrl.$setViewValue(capitalized);            modelCtrl.$render();            // set back the cursor after rendering            element[0].selectionStart = selection;            element[0].selectionEnd = selection;          }          return capitalized;        }        modelCtrl.$parsers.push(capitalize);        capitalize(scope[attrs.ngModel]); // capitalize initial value      }    };  });
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="myApp">  <input type="text" ng-model="name" capitalize></div>