angularjs google maps - markers with window - infowindow not showing angularjs google maps - markers with window - infowindow not showing angularjs angularjs

angularjs google maps - markers with window - infowindow not showing

I know this is an old post.

However, these days I've been struggling myself trying to do this and, moreover, the jsfiddle of the accepted answer is broken and doesn't work with latest versions of angular-google-maps directive. So, I've decided to share a working plunker hoping it can help other people.

Plunker here

This version is rendering multiple markers but just one window. Only one window can be opened at the same time.

It's based on the advises of the official site FAQ Section: See How do I only open one window at a time?


<ui-gmap-google-map center="" zoom="map.zoom">  <ui-gmap-window     show=""     coords="map.window.model"     options="map.window.options"     closeClick="map.window.closeClick()"    templateUrl="'infowindow.tpl.html'"     templateParameter="map.window">  </ui-gmap-window>  <ui-gmap-markers      models="map.markers"     coords="'self'"      events="map.markersEvents"    options="'options'">  </ui-gmap-markers></ui-gmap-google-map>


$ = {  center: {    latitude: 39.5925511,    longitude: 2.633202  },  zoom: 14,  markers: [],  // Markers here  markersEvents: {    click: function(marker, eventName, model) {      $ = model;      $ = true;    }  },  window: {    marker: {},    show: false,    closeClick: function() { = false;    },    options: {}   }};

Hope it helps.

Your marker's binding is incorrect in the window directive.

Basically, you need to set a marker as selected on click and bind the window to that selected marker. See the jsfiddle for a working example.

<body ng-app="app"><div class="angular-google-map-container" ng-controller="MainCtrl">    <ui-gmap-google-map center="" zoom="map.zoom" draggable="true" options="map.options" events="" control="googlemap">        <ui-gmap-window coords="MapOptions.markers.selected.coords" show="" closeClick="closeClick()">            <div>Hello</div>        </ui-gmap-window>        <ui-gmap-markers models="markers" idkey="" coords="'coords'" click="'onClick'" events="" >        </ui-gmap-markers>    </ui-gmap-google-map></div>

I know this is old post, but I struggled with Angular Google Map, and solve issue when you open one window for markers. If you use ng-repeat and window for each one - no problems. But when you have a markers directive, and want to show only one window, then you have an issue - window places not above marker and you need change position a little. How to do it? Let me share my experience on that.

You just need to specify pixelOffset for windowoptions like that:


$scope.windowOptions = {    pixelOffset : {        height: -25,        width: 0    }};


<ui-gmap-window coords='selectedmarker.coords' show='true'  options='windowOptions'>@{{ selectedmarker.tagline }}</ui-gmap-window>

That's it. Change height for your needs.