Angularjs $http and progress bar Angularjs $http and progress bar angularjs angularjs

Angularjs $http and progress bar

You can use Angular Loading Bar. It works automatically for $http requests and does not need any setup except adding it as app dependency.

angular.module('app', ['angular-loading-bar']); // that's all

I would highly recommend ng-progress. This handles multiple requests and basically shows a neat little progress bar for all http activity.

You can solve this by hiding/showing a loadingbar. Start showing the loadingbar once the upload starts, and remove the loadingbar when the upload is done (in the success handler from the $http request).

I created a simple jsfiddle for you to show you an example.
I'm using $timeout to simulate a $http request.

Html markup:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">    <!-- this can be an image if you want -->    <p ng-show="loading">...LOADING...</p>    <!-- Showing the status -->    <p ng-hide="loading">{{status}}</p>    <button type="button" ng-click="upload()">Do $http request</button></div>

Js Controller:

function MyCtrl($scope, $timeout) {    $scope.status = 'Not started';    $scope.loading = false;    $scope.upload = function() {        $scope.loading = true;        // Simulating a http request with a timeout        $timeout(function(){             $scope.status = "Finished";            $scope.loading = false;        },3000);    }}

For a demonstration of how this works, see this fiddle.


By clarification in the comments, you want to be able to track the progress on the upload by percentage. eg. How many % til the upload is finished

You should check out this SO post where this has already been discussed.

From the accepted answer:

I don't think $ can be used for this. As for client-side, it should work with an HTML5 browser, but you'll probably have to create your own XMLHttpRequest object and onprogress listener. See AngularJS: tracking status of each file being uploaded simultaneously for ideas.