angularjs $http.delete breaks on ie8 angularjs $http.delete breaks on ie8 angularjs angularjs

angularjs $http.delete breaks on ie8

The problem is that delete is a javascript keyword and IE8 parses it slightly incorrectly. According to the standard, identifiers can be called delete. A quick fix is:

$http['delete']('/api/carts/' + productCode)

A little ugly, and I don't think the good angular people should have named that method delete, but that fixes your problem

$http.delete(path) is a shortcut for DELETE requests.So as the shortcut breaks on IE8, besides calling by their uglly form: $http['delete'], you can call using the original mode:

$http({method: 'DELETE', url: path})

delete is the JavaScript reserved keyword, and IE parse it as a keyword.Here is the solution.

Here is the javascript reserved keyword list

so its better to use $http['delete'] instead of $http.delete