AngularJS + IE 11 + Polymer = ng-model not updating AngularJS + IE 11 + Polymer = ng-model not updating angularjs angularjs

AngularJS + IE 11 + Polymer = ng-model not updating

pass the value in your function

<input type="text" class="text-input" ng-change="onInputChange(value)" ng-model="value" />

Remove ng-change from your input and modify your directive code like this:

scope.onInputChange = function() {    scope.onChange({        item: {reason: scope.reason},        valid: typeof scope.reason === 'string' && scope.reason.length > 0    });};scope.$watch('reason', scope.onInputChange);

This is working fine for me. See an working example below:

angular.module('givemeareason', []);angular.module('givemeareason')  .controller("foocontroller", function($scope) {    var vm = this;    vm.reasonChanged = function(item, valid) {      console.log("In the controller", item, valid);    }  });angular.module('givemeareason')  .directive('giveMeAReason', ['$timeout',    function($timeout) {      return {        restrict: 'EA',        replace: true,        template: '<div class="give-me-a-reason">' +          '<input type="text" class="reason" ng-model="reason" />' +          '</div>',        require: 'ngModel',        scope: {          onChange: '&'        },        link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ngModelContoller) {          scope.onInputChange = function() {            console.log("Changed value", scope.reason);            scope.onChange({              item: {                reason: scope.reason              },              valid: typeof scope.reason === 'string' && scope.reason.length > 0            });          };          scope.$watch('reason', scope.onInputChange);        }      };    }  ]);
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="givemeareason" ng-controller="foocontroller as importVm">  <give-me-a-reason id="paste-reason" ng-model="importVm.reasonModel" on-change="importVm.reasonChanged(item, valid)"></give-me-a-reason></div>