Angularjs issue $http.get not working Angularjs issue $http.get not working angularjs angularjs

Angularjs issue $http.get not working

This is because how angular treats CORS requests (Cross-site HTTP requests). Angular adds some extra HTTP headers by default which is why your are seeing OPTIONS request instead of GET. Try removing X-Requested-With HTTP header by adding this line of code:

delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];

Regarding CORS, following is mentioned on Mozilla Developer Network:

The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing standard works by adding new HTTP headers that allow servers to describe the set of origins that are permitted to read that information using a web browser.

I have been having the issue using $resource, which also uses $http.

I noticed that when I used AngularJS 1.0.6 the request would not even show up in Firebug, but when using AngularJS 1.1.4 Firebug would show the GET request and the 200 OK response as well as the correct headers, but an empty response. In fact, the headers also showed that the data was coming back as shown by the "Content-Length" header having the correct content length, and comparing this against a REST Client plugin I was using that was successfully retrieving the data.

After being even further suspicious I decided to try a different browser. I had originally been using Firefox 16.0.1 (and also tried 20.0.1), but when I tried IE 9 (and AngularJS 1.1.4) the code worked properly with no issues at all.

Hopefully this will help you find a workaround. In my case, I noticed that I never had this problem with relative URLs, so I'm changing my app around so that both the app and the API are being served on the same port. This could potentially be an AngularJS bug.

I had the same problem today with firefox. IE worked fine. I didn't think it was cors at first because like you I got no errors in the console and got a status of 0 back in my error method in angular. In the firefox console I was getting a 200 response back in my headers and a content length, but no actual response message. Firefox used to give you a warning about cross site scripting that would point you in the right direction.I resolved the issue by setting up cors on my api. This is really the best way to go.If you are only using GET with your api you could also try using jsonp this is built right into angular and it is a work around for cors when you do not control the api you are consuming.

$http.jsonp('')    .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {        alert("Hooray!");    })    .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {        alert("Dang It!");    });